Wednesday, 1 September 2010

My Thoughts On Vertigo

Of the three films selected, I disliked Vertigo the most.

I did not understand the motive for the murder. Gavin is a wealthy shipbuilder, what does he stand to gain by the death of his wife, especially with the suicide verdict and possible refusal of any insurance company to pay out?

I thought that it was too slow particularly the period when Madeleine was under surveillance when Scottie just followed her around the place in silence.

I didn’t like the fact that Hitchcock revealed the plot in the Judy flashback scene. It was too condescending on the viewer to realise what was going on, particularly with the limited number of characters and the likeness between Judy and Madeleine.

After being released from hospital, Scottie met Judy. Judy obviously knew Scottie. Scottie did not know Judy. Having been an important part of the murder of Madeleine, Judy would have run a mile from Scottie being afraid that the former detective would put the pieces together and risked conviction for her part in the murder.

Having murdered his wife, why would Gavin allow Judy to live and risk blackmail or possible conviction?

In my opinion, Vertigo failed to create much inspiration for photo opportunities. There was not a great deal of drama. Scottie hanging from a gutter at the very start was about the best I could come up followed by Scottie’s rescue of Madeleine which could have been recreated at the foot of one of the Tamar Bridges but other scenes to replicate such as Scottie following Madeleine in his car or Scottie observing Madeleine observing Carlotta’s picture at the Gallery quite frankly are a bit dull.

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